How to fill out the TRREB IDX data agreement
The TRREB IDX data agreement must be signed for you to be able to access IDX data on your website which is required to activate our MLS® search functionality and importing listings.
Note: Please do not submit a "TRREB Data License Agreement" as this will not work with our system. It can be a tad confusing because you can use the same system for multiple agreement types. We need you to submit a "TRREB IDX Data Agreement" to work with our system.
1) Log into your account by clicking here and entering your login details.
2) In the Dashboard, click the MLS Services icon normally at the top right section.
3) Under MLS, Collaborate & Related Services, click the "Data Agreements" or "IDX" link.
4) Now you need to log into the TRREB Online Agreements system you just opened. Your Membership # should be pre-populated, but if it is not, enter it along with your 4 digit pin. To get your Authenticator Password, press the button on it and enter the 6 digit password that appears.
Once you are logged in you should see all of the agreements you have that are “In Progress” as well as your currently active agreements (broken down by Agreement type). In progress agreements are ones that are currently being reviewed by say your brokerage or TRREB itself. And active agreements are ones that have already been completed. If you see any active or in progress IDX Data Feed Agreements that specify RealtyNinja as the third-party, please let us know so that we can tell TRREB that there is already an agreement or one is in progress.
5) The next step is to start a new agreement by clicking the "Start New" tab at the top of the page:
6) From here you want to choose "IDX Data Agreement" from the list of available agreements and click continue:
7) Now you can finally fill out the agreement and are almost done! Please note that you must agree to all the terms and conditions in order to submit the agreement. Most of your information will be auto-populated based on your TRREB Member #. You do have the option to update your e-mail address.
- From the Third Party Provider dropdown choose REALTY NINJA SERVICES LTD.
- For the Contact enter Chelsea Nixon
- For the Contact Email enter
- Where it says Subscriber Website URL #1 enter your full website URL/Address such as
- Check off all the boxes on lines in red
- Click Send to Third Party
8) Celebrate because your job here is done. The agreement has now been sent to the third party (that's us!) for confirmation after which it will go to your broker of record and then finally be complete.
We have tried to make this process as simple as possible but if you get stuck or have any questions, please get in touch with us and we will happily help you get through all of this.