Embedding A Facebook Photo Album Onto Your Website

This guide will show you how to embed a Facebook photo album onto your RealtyNinja website. We're going to be using an existing photo album from a Facebook page. If you haven't already done so, first make an album of photos on your Facebook page, then continue with this guide. 

Note: Your photo album and Facebook page privacy settings should be set to "public" for this to work properly.

Here are the steps:

1. Go to your Facebook album and copy the URL (in the address bar of your browser), it looks something like this: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150146071791729.324257.20531316728&type=3

2. Go to this website https://embedsocial.com/marketing-apps/facebook-gallery-plugin/ and scroll down to the "Link" field, then PASTE in the URL that you copied in step 1.

2. Click the green "Generate album code" button. That will reveal your embed code. 

3. Highlight the red embed code with your mouse, and COPY it (you can right click > copy)

4. Go to your RealtyNinja website, and login. Then click EDIT MY WEBSITE and go to the page you wish to embed your album onto. Note: You can create a new page if you haven't already done so.

5. Click "EDIT THIS PAGE" on the page you wish to embed the album on.

6. Click into the editable area (of your page) where you would like to place the album

7. Click the "Embed" icon

8. PASTE in the embed code that you copied from step 3 above


If you did it correctly, you'll see something like this:

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