How to manage your agents listing data on your DDF brokerage or team site

If you are using DDF as your listing feed for your brokerage or team site, you will need to do a few steps to ensure your listing pages are working.

Adding Agents Listings on a Team or Brokerage Site

  1. The team lead or brokerage owner must create a National Shared Pool Feed. We don't need every agent on a team or brokerage to create a feed, but at least one team member needs to create one.

Please note that CREA does require every website to have a feed, so if an agent has multiple websites, he/she will need a feed per website.

  1. Once a National Pool Feed is created, inform us at You will also need to let us know:
  • The list of agents on your team or brokerage
  • If you wish to have their listings on your Featured Listings and/or their own profiles
  1. We will inform you when the request is completed. Please check if all listing pages are working.

Agents with their own RealtyNinja site or those who have multiple sites

If an agent has his/her own individual account or multiple accounts aside from the brokerage website, he/she will need to create a DDF feed for each account/domain. According to CREA, an agent can have up to five (5) active feeds.

Removing Agents and their listings from a Team or Brokerage Site

When an agent leaves your team or brokerage, you will want to remove their profile and listings on the brokerage website.

Here are the steps:

  1. If you have a team profile page, go to your Agents section on the back-end of your website. It should be under

  1. Go to your agent’s profile by clicking "Edit Agent" and copy his/her agent ID.
  2. Delete their profile from the Agent section or set them to “Inactive,” depending on the situation.
  3. If their listings automatically import on your Featured Listings page, go to General > Settings and remove the agent ID from the following sections: "Automatically Import and Update Other Agents Listings," and "Additional Listing Modification Agent IDs."

For example, the agent ID is 1521137

  1. Once you've deleted the Agent ID, click "APPLY CHANGES."

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