Displaying Content From an RSS Feed On Your Website

If you want to display content from an external RSS feed on your website, we recommend using a third party service such as https://feed.mikle.com and embedding that onto a page of your website. Follow the steps below for details.

  1. Go to https://feed.mikle.com/
  2. In the "Feed URL" field, enter in the URL for the XML feed you wish to use, such as http://www.realtyninja.com/blog/feed
  3. Press the blue "PLUS" button
  4. Set any other options as you like
  5. Click "Get Code" when you're ready, and copy the code provided
  6. Login to your RealtyNinja website > click EDIT MY WEBSITE > Go to the page you wish to embed the feed on
  7. Click "EDIT THIS PAGE"
  8. Click into the area you wish, and click the "Embed" icon in the editor (looks like a Play symbol)
  9. Paste in the embed code you copied earlier
  10. Save

Can my website or blog automatically load the real estate boards news and stats via their RSS feeds?

We often get asked to automatically load market updates (and other news releases) from the real estate boards RSS/XML feeds onto our customers websites/blogs, but we have chosen not to do this in order to protect your websites SEO rankings. Google and other search engines would consider this "duplicate content" and can penalize your website's search rankings. Therefor, our recommended method for sharing market news would be to write your own unique blog post about the news and link to the official release on the boards website.

Using the method above (embedding via an external service) would lower the chance of Google considering that as duplicate content, because of the way its loading the content (native content vs. content loaded via javascript)... we still highly recommend not doing this for real estate board updates, but rather for other RSS feeds.

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