SSL/HTTPS and how it relates to your RealtyNinja website

To cut right to the chase, all RealtyNinja websites launched from June 29, 2018 forward will be SSL secured by default for no extra charge! And all websites launched before then can be migrated upon request.

If you have an existing RealtyNinja website that is not SSL secured, please FILL OUT THIS FORM and our Support Ninjas will start the process.

Keep reading for a more in-depth explanation, or read our SSL Dojo Article.

A discussion around subjects such as SSL/HTTPS can quickly get very technical in nature, so we will do our best to keep things high level. In the simplest form the terms SSL or HTTPS when used in relation to your website are referring to, if the connection between your computer and the website you are accessing is encrypted or not. This is mainly important for pages that involve things such as sensitive passwords, banking info, etc. It used to be that only websites handling highly sensitive data such as banking, e-commerce, etc. would have their websites served via SSL. The reason that all websites didn't do this was because it was technically difficult to set up, expensive to maintain and made your website a bit slower. This has all changed in the last couple years with major browser vendors and web industry titans pushing for a 100% SSL secured internet. Now it is much easier to setup/maintain, SSL certificates are free of charge and various low level technologies have been improved to provide a faster and better web experience for SSL secured websites.

This is why here at RealtyNinja we are happy to say that all new RealtyNinja websites from June 2018 forwards will be SSL secured by default for no extra charge. We are also able to secure any websites launched before June 2018 with an SSL certificate upon request. Without getting into the nitty gritty technical details, it is a non-trivial task to migrate an existing site that does not have an SSL certificate to be fully SSL secured. This is why we cannot automatically do this for all sites launched before June 2018 as it may require action on our side as well as our customers side with each migration being different.

Please do not purchase an SSL certificate as we will be providing you with certificates free of charge.

MLS®/IDX Widget Accounts

Our MLS®/IDX Widget accounts fully work when being embedded on a third-party site that is secured by SSL/HTTPS. If you are trying to embed our IDX functionality into an HTTPS website, you must make sure you are using the https version of the embed codes. The default embed code we provide now uses HTTPS versions of the URL by default but if you are using old codes, you will have to manually update them. There are no downsides to using HTTPS embed URLS on a non-HTTPS page.

Simply look at the URLs you are trying to use and confirm that they start with https and not http. Here is an example of an HTTPS embed code. Note how the 3 URLs all start with https:

<style>#embeded iframe{ width: 100%; }</style>
<div id="embeded"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="" rel="responsive" url="custom-building-group-1"></script>

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