Changing fonts on your RealtyNinja website

The fonts on your RealtyNinja website can't be changed directly through the editor, but they can be changed by:

  • Sending a request to our support team. We'll change the fonts for you for free, just let us know which font(s) you'd like your website to use. We recommend choosing from
  • Using our advanced guide below (for web designers/developers). 


This article contains all the CSS classes you need to change the primary fonts on a Katana site. You will need the intended fonts linked to in your Custom Header Code, found in your site's backend under Settings > Custom Code.

If you would like this done for you, please contact our designers at and let us know the specific font you would like it changed to from Adobe or Google Fonts.

.header1, .header2, .header3, .header4, .header5, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, .recent-blog-entry-date, .header-contact-details, .navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a, .hero-carousel .carousel-caption h1, .section-heading h3, .listing-main-info h1, .blog-header-title-section .blog-entry-info, .blog-header-title-section h1, .blog-overview-wrapper, .blog-overview-wrapper h2, body, .big-contact-form-wrapper, .small-contact-info-wrapper, .hero-carousel .carousel-caption .btn, .building-main-info-listings-count, .listing-detail-info-list-container, .listing-grid, .listing-list, .listing-main-info-price, .listing-secondary-info, .mls-search-controls-wrapper, .mls-search-controls-wrapper label, .search-results-table-view-wrapper, #footer-disclaimer, .recent-blog-entry-text, .blog-post-content .header1, .blog-post-content .header2, .blog-post-content .header3, .blog-post-content .header4, .blog-post-content .header5, .blog-post-content h1, .blog-post-content h2, .blog-post-content h3, .blog-post-content h4, .blog-post-content h5, .blog-header-title-section .blog-entry-info, .blog-post-content, .blog-overview-wrapper, .blog-overview-wrapper h2, .mls-search-controls-wrapper .form-control {
  font-family: Montserrat,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; 

If you are using different fonts for titles and body copy, here they are separated:

/* Title Fonts: */ 

.header1, .header2, .header3, .header4, .header5, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, .recent-blog-entry-date, .header-contact-details, .navbar-default .navbar-nav>li>a, .hero-carousel .carousel-caption h1, .section-heading h3, .listing-main-info h1, .blog-header-title-section .blog-entry-info, .blog-header-title-section h1, .blog-overview-wrapper, .blog-overview-wrapper h2 {
  font-family: Raleway,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; 

/* Body Fonts: */  

body, .big-contact-form-wrapper, .small-contact-info-wrapper, .hero-carousel .carousel-caption .btn, .building-main-info-listings-count, .listing-detail-info-list-container, .listing-grid, .listing-list, .listing-main-info-price, .listing-secondary-info, .mls-search-controls-wrapper, .mls-search-controls-wrapper label, .search-results-table-view-wrapper, #footer-disclaimer, .recent-blog-entry-text, .blog-post-content .header1, .blog-post-content .header2, .blog-post-content .header3, .blog-post-content .header4, .blog-post-content .header5, .blog-post-content h1, .blog-post-content h2, .blog-post-content h3, .blog-post-content h4, .blog-post-content h5, .blog-header-title-section .blog-entry-info, .blog-post-content, .blog-overview-wrapper, .blog-overview-wrapper h2, .mls-search-controls-wrapper .form-control {
  font-family: Montserrat,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; 

Want your site professionally designed to match your branding or style? Let us create a semi-custom or fully custom design for you! More information here

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