Searching by MLS Number

You and your website visitors can quickly find an active listing by visiting any MLS search on your website and searching for the active MLS number.

First, navigate to any MLS search on your website.

Then, type in any active MLS number and click Search. Here is a demo:


Can I search any listing by MLS number?

You can search active listings that are in your board's MLS database. For example, if you are a GVREB agent, you cannot search a listing in the TREB database on your website.

Can I search by address?

If you would would like to feature a search outside of the MLS search, then a Google Custom Search is the best option. This would allow you or your customers to search your entire website by MLS number or street address, but can't be guaranteed by RealtyNinja since its a third-party tool.

How do I add a new MLS Search widget?

Here is a guide for adding a new MLS search anywhere on your website: How to Create a Niche MLS Search

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