RealtyNinja's SEO Resource

Search engine optimization (SEO) is not just another marketing buzzword - SEO is a critical part of modern marketing, because it is how potential clients find you online!


The Ultimate SEO Guide for Realtors®

The Dojo is your best resource for online real estate marketing, period. 

The Ninjas have spent months putting together the most up-to-date and comprehensive SEO guide for real estate agents available today. You can access it here right on The Dojo: The Ultimate SEO Guide for Realtors®

Prefer to listen, rather than read? Catch the webinar here!

Don't have time to dive into the above article today, but want to get started? Here are the Top 10 Takeaways of the Ultimate SEO Guide:

Additionally you can watch the recording of the exclusive Ultimate SEO Webinar event here:

Tools + Freebies

The Ninjas have published tons of best-practice guides, infographics, videos, webinar recordings and articles, created tools including content idea generators, written e-books, and partnered with SEO-professionals; all with the intention of helping you succeed in meeting your online marketing/website goals!

Here is a list of amazing FREE resources for you to get started on your SEO success:

SEO Professional Partners

The Ninjas are stoked to do what we do best - websites - and therefore do not provide SEO services, only resources. And of course we have created a resource of trusted professionals for you found in our exclusive Marketplace.

Guides for your RealtyNinja Website

You can find tons of guides for utilizing built-in SEO-boosting capabilities and integrating SEO tools to maximize your website's optimization in our online knowledge base here: Search Engine Optimization Guides


What is SEO?

SEO is significant and simultaneously a bit of a mystery, because Google has never actually told anyone how it all truly works. There is no official guide or bullet list of dos/don'ts. All of the information available is based on hints given by google from time to time and SEO experts experiences and real world tests.

What built-in SEO tools does RealtyNinja feature?

Your RealtyNinja website has the following features, and many more, which either directly contribute or can be used to increase the SEO of your site:

Can I edit the default META Tags on my RealtyNinja website?

Yes! Here is a guide: Changing META Tags

Is blogging easy on my RealtyNinja website?

Blogging is essential to adding fresh, valuable content to your website on a regular basis. We've made sure that the blogging feature on RealtyNinja makes that easy for you. Here is everything you need to know about: Blogging on your RealtyNinja website

What is SSL/HTTPS and how is it related to my website?

Great question! All the info is conveniently here: SSL/HTTPS and your RealtyNinja Website

How do I set up Google Analytics for my website?

Google Analytics and other Google tools are the best way to track your SEO and events on your website. A step-by-step guide for integrating your RealtyNinja website is here: Setting Up Google Analytics for your Website

Does switching website providers affect my website's SEO?

This is a great question and the fact that you are asking about what will happen to your SEO rankings when you make the switch to RealtyNinja shows that you are utilizing your website as a tool to make your business a success. 

RealtyNinja websites are super optimized, more than any of the leading competitor sites. Optimization for SEO can come in many shapes and sizes, but earning yourself the coveted #1 spot on Google is something achieved through time and commitment. And a lot of good content. We take care of all the technical details, to ensure that your site loads as quickly as possible, compresses and loads images as rapidly as possible, uses the cleanest code to ensure search engines can crawl your site easily, and much more. Search engines love RealtyNinja sites.

We do our best to ensure that our system has solid SEO and sends as many "Signals" to google as possible when they index our customers websites. In the end the most important thing to get a high SEO score is the content on the page. When you migrate to our system and add the same content to our platform as the old one, there will be an initial dip in SEO rankings because Google has to re-score each page and deal with any potential URL changes. In some cases 301 redirects can be useful in negating this affect.

The fact of the matter is that even the most highly planned and thought out site migration will result in a short dip in their SEO, but as long as the same information is present on your new site and 301 redirects are put in place, your website should recover from the dip quickly and potentially surpass your old ranking. However, because of the way search engines work and how they are such black boxes, there is no way for us to guarantee it. 
What if I create the exact same URLs on my new website?

The same thing goes even if the URLS don't change because the entire page structure, content, etc. has changed, so it will take time for Google to give it a score. Which again could be better or could be worse.

301 Redirects

A 301 redirect is a way to redirect both users and search engines to a different URL from the one they originally requested. This is can be useful so that search engines and users don't lose track of the webpage and reset the SEO rating for that page.

There is a 301 redirect tool built into RealtyNinja websites. You can find it under "Settings > URL Redirects" in the backend of your site.

We also have the ability to add 301 redirects for our clients by request. Please contact our team for more info.

For example, a 301 redirect is when you tell google to redirect /areas/23/downtown-vancouver to /downtown-vancouver and to keep as much SEO points as possible.

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